
Special Major Announcement

Scientists Discover Reality Consists Of 9 Dimensions,
Not Just 4 Space-Time Dimensions
This Breakthrough Could Lead to Other Major Discoveries

Seattle, WA, July 18th, 2013:

Edward R. Close, PhD, PE, and Vernon M. Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, today announced a profoundly important finding that affects the basic assumptions of physics and changes the way scientists understand life and the Universe.

“It appears that our current concept of reality is incomplete,” Dr. Neppe commented. “Dr. Close and I have demonstrated that we live in a 9-dimensional finite reality, not just our traditional three dimensions of space happening in a present moment of time. We experience physical living in our restricted 4-dimensional finite reality, but the rest of our reality appears to be hidden beyond our direct view. Yet these additional dimensions might provide many keys to life as we know it, and explain many of the mysteries of science.”

 For the full Announcement, please click here.

Contact:  Angela Thomas  636 278 2272  and  Victoria Duff 310 921 8115



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Collaborators, co-researchers and possible referees are being sought after by Drs Neppe and Close in regard to this critically  important research and finding.
Particularly being sought after are academic (professorial) mathematicians and theoretical physicists.
The collaborative potential is enormous. Please complete the form at the bottom of this page.


Dr Edward Close (left) and Dr Vernon Neppe (right) in Puebla, Mexico after receiving  the prestigious Gabino Barreda Award and medal in February 2013. Their plenary presentations on their important metaparadigm Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) and the book that describes TDVP,  Reality Begins with Consciousness. before a 2000 to 3000 audience and their all day workshop to 150 registrants were very well received.  They received this award from the Mexican (Puebla) Department of Education in February 2013, long before their Cabibbo findings were developed.  The collaboration between Dr Neppe and Dr Close goes back to 2009, though both were working on their complimentary areas of research for two decades before that. The both recognized the enormous relevance of what they were doing and were prepared to devote thousands of unpaid hours to benefit mankind in that regard. What follows below on 9D spin and on TDVP reflects this work.

Dr Vernon Neppe is involved with numerous different areas of research and is a potential medicolegal consultant in these areas as well.  He is frequently seeking our research collaborators in his many and varied areas of interest (see form at the foot of this page).

Ongoing projects:
First we include the very important 9-D spin, angular spin momentum of elementary particles such as the electron, and TDVP concepts:

 Dimensional Biopsychophysics and Mathematical Theoretical  Physics 

 9-dimensional finite spin reality: Close and Neppe breaking research

Edward R. Close, PhD, PE, and Vernon M. Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, have derived the Cabibbo angle from a 9 Dimensional Finite Spin Reality. This profoundly important finding affects the basic assumptions of physics and changes the way scientists understand life and the Universe, suggesting our current concept of reality is incomplete. Drs Close and Neppe have demonstrated that we live in a 9-dimensional finite reality, not just our traditional three dimensions of space happening in a present moment of time. Though we experience physical living in our restricted 4-dimensional finite reality, the rest of our reality appears to be hidden beyond our direct view. Yet these additional dimensions might provide many keys to life as we know it, and explain many of the mysteries of science.

This is released in a Press Release on this site:


The following three sections (in blue font) are technical and the General Reader may prefer to skip them.  If you prefer to skip these technical elements, please move onto the section entitled Creative applications of the 9D-spin model

More detail on the technical aspects of the Close and Neppe Cabibbo Angle findings: 


The Cabibbo derivation confirmed the prediction that Close and Neppe had made that there is a 9 dimensional finite spin reality. They had made this 18 months previously— in Reality Begins with Consciousness (e.g. RBC 1st Edition, page 201, Nov 2011) .

The Close and Neppe derivation of the Cabibbo angle required knowledge of certain well-known fundamental derivations such as the radius of the hydrogen atom, and the basic laws of mathematics and physics. The physics also required special corrections such as the Lorentz transformation (because the speeds approach that of light speed), and appreciation of the conversion of the magnetic moment of an electron into spin moment.

The mathematics involves the demonstrations of the need for orthogonality (right angles between) of dimensions, of radians and conceptualizing the dimensions relative to real numbers in a 4 dimensional reality by applying the ‘calculus of distinctions’,  a fundamental system of logic and basic mathematics which Dr Close originally developed and he and Dr Neppe have amplified. Ultimately, the derived figure is calculated by the process of ‘dimensional extrapolation’, developed by Dr. Close through to the ninth dimension using the half-spin properties of elementary particles, of which quarks and electrons are the most common examples. “There was clearly a need to develop a mathematics of communicating across dimensions.” Neppe explains. “Dimensional extrapolation fits that bill, allowing rotational measures across and between higher dimensions.” And so was solved the one of the mysteries of physics.

This mathematical derivation was not derived by accident. Close and Neppe had predicted it because their TDVP theory required exactly what they found namely, that the finite contains 9 dimensions and that these are vortical —there is spinning across dimensions implying rotation and movement.  A 9 dimensional model would have only 8 rotating dimensions as that first dimension (from zero to one) has no rotations. Effectively, therefore they were testing the 9D spin finite hypothesis that is a major component of TDVP theory. What was not being tested were other elements such as the transfinite and the infinite which conceptually mathematically and also scientifically are very different. Also, not tested was the exact nature of the 9 dimensions. TDVP proposes that there are 3 of space, 3 of time, 3 of “consciousness” and there is separate mathematical support, but not outright proof for this scientific proposal.

Importantly, even before their Cabibbo findings, their model challenged the current scientific paradigm because current physics contained some areas that simply did not fit. The Neppe-Close TDVP model was borne out of necessity, and has gradually developed in detail and added proofs.  The Cabibbo derivation tested only the TDVP hypothesis because it remains the only such developed model that postulates 9D spin.

Historically, the  Cabibbo angle has been  demonstrated empirically by research on elementary particles from particle collider data. This way it was determined at 13.04 ± 0.05 degrees. But the reason for the size of this strange angle had remained unknown since it was originally discovered in 1963. No-one had been able to solve it, because it’s derivation was not possible unless one applied 9 dimensional spin.


Abbreviated Abstract on the 9D spin Cabibbo findings  

(tailored specifically for this site and deriving from the published reference) 

CLOSE, E. R. & NEPPE, V. M. 2013. Mathematical and theoretical physics feasibility demonstration of the finite nine dimensional vortical model in fermions. Dynamic International Journal of Exceptional Creative Achievement 1301: 1, 1-55.

We have applied well-defined physics, well substantiated empirical data (including well defined constants such as the Bohr radius, speed of light, Planck’s constant, rest mass of the electron, its radius and charge, the Coulomb constant and ?) and added well-defined equations and principles (such as the Lorentz correction, the principle of conservation of angular momentum, kinetic energy equation, De Broglie’s wave equation, Coulomb’s equation, the centrifugal force equation, the wave length of a rotating body and calculations of magnetic moment) plus the basic concepts of a unified space-time-consciousness theory of reality from the Neppe-Close Triadic Dimensional distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) including also Dimensional Extrapolation and the Calculus of Distinctions, to produce a detailed mathematical derivation of the mixing angle of fermions, exemplified by the Cabibbo angle in quarks with the empirical calculation already being found to be 13.04 degrees±0.05. This value has perplexed scientists for 50 years.

 We were able to determine this only by applying the dynamic rotation of elementary particles as nine-dimensional objects (result to 5 significant figures: 13.039 degrees). This value is falsified using any other dimensional model including the Standard Model of Particle Physics and the various String Theory models (which also would require rotational models,  not predominantly folding ones).

  This derivation supports the hypothesis that the Cabibbo angle is the result of the fields, waves and particles of modern physics reflecting only four-dimensional aspects of a larger 9-D unified reality and supports the hypothesized finite 9-D spin model in TDVP.

Additionally, we establish that electrons appear not to be perfectly spherical, because if they were that would violate the principles of relativity; our findings furthermore extend weak universality; and we postulate electron clouds are distributed in a double Bell normal curve.

Calculus of Distinctions; As an important but somewhat complex aside note, we mention the application of the Calculus of Distinctions, a fundamental system of mathematical logic that is applied to TDVP, that can be applied here to understand what “9 dimensions” imply: In TDVP, we apply the Calculus of Distinctions to differentiate extent, content and impact. The variables of extent reflect dimensions: these can be directly measured; variables of content reflect what is contained within these dimensions, but they are not dimensions (this is a common error that is made even in Physics, as we must differentiate measures of extent from content, which cannot be directly measured). A topical example is the Cabibbo Mixing Angle. We can therefore differentiate three concepts:

  • TDVP proposes that the nine finite dimensions consist of dimensions of Space, Time and “extent Consciousness”and there is cogent mathematical and scientific support for the extent of these 9 dimensions being represented as S3, T3, C3.
  • This is different from content: We propose that the essential contentsubstance of reality manifests as various dimensionally related mixtures of matter, energy and “content Consciousness”. These elements of content (which some may call “essential substances”) are contained in these 9 finite vortical dimensions, but they are not directly measurable (they can be by applying the concept of “density”).
  • We also propose variables of impact involving elements in Reality that can influence both the “content” and “extent” and at times content and extent can reciprocally impact the influences that impact them (this area always feedback loops). These elements are particularly but not exclusively “impact Consciousness”.

Restricted 3S-1t and 9D:  We sentient beings cannot experience all nine dimensions and the content expressed by the 9 dimensions. Instead, we may only be experiencing the perceptions, conceptions and interpretations within three dimensions of space and a moment of time (3S-1t). The remaining 5 dimensions still exist but we cannot usually experience any of them during regular waking reality. We are also restricted in our experience our current 3S-1t (we can see but not in the infrared or ultraviolet spectrum; we hear but not most wave frequencies; we cannot smell like dogs can, and we do not echolocate like dolphins). So the parallel of 9 dimensions existing but most being hidden, is not as strange as it sounds, as we experience only restricted 3S-1t.


Speculative conceptualizations of the Cabibbo angle to theoretical physics

Dr Close added some more complex hypotheses and ideas: “My comments are very preliminary. Nevertheless they’re exciting and just could give a speculative perspective on how important this finding could become. Our derivation has come about by developing creative applications to mathematics and establishing that our hypothesized 9-D spin fits. Could it be that new revelations may continue to come to light when we pursue a deeper understanding of the Cabibbo angle and 9 dimensional spin? The strange figure (13.032) for the Cabibbo angle just might reflect a combination of important unified data: It just could be found to reflect part of the portal to the unification of relativity, quantum mechanics and ‘consciousness’; it could lead to possible explanations for how what might be conceptualized as the ‘illusion’ of matter arises from 9-D spin vortical energy, and how that energy might even be connected with ‘Consciousness’. And the differences between elementary particles might be explained in terms of evolving mass and energy eigenvectors, opening the path to conceptualizing all finite distinctions, particles, waves, fields, meanings and dimensions as evolving aspects of the same essence of reality. The mathematics may be challenging, but this revelation could even now be clearly conceptually imagined. These ideas would involve e=mc2, quantum mechanics and Einstein’s basic concepts of general relativity. If this speculative model has any veridicality, it would elegantly complete the analysis of the creation of elementary particles that these calculations have suggested by applying relativistic corrections to the angular momentum of the free electron. But I emphasize that, at this point, it is almost completely creative speculation, yet some of the mathematics already exists. So it might not be as ‘wild’ as it first appears.”

The mathematics in the Cabibbo derivation is clearly pertinent. Additionally, many other components of the TDVP model are often authenticated through mathematical derivations such as the Dimensional Extrapolation, the Calculus of Distinctions, the discipline of dimensional geometric representations called “dimensionometry”, number theory, Fermat’s last theorem, Euclidean and non-Euclidean calculations,  Pythagorean adaptations, vector scalar and tensor representations, relativity and mathematical physics, plus concepts of infinity, ,and a large number of other mathematical areas. These are covered in some detail and in several chapters in the Neppe-Close E-book Reality Begins with Consciousness (RBC) and further detail is planned in the complex follow up book Space Time and Consciousness(Close and Neppe  planned for 2014 or 2015). As a starter to examining RBC, there are  30  related RBC menus such as or alternatively the E-books RBC—Key Features and RBC—Glimpses and Glossary may help too and are much, much shorter. See

 Creative applications of the 9D-spin model: Or what does this finding imply for me as a General Reader?
Please note: If you wish to explore some of these terms more, you may want to visit the TDVP Glossary at
Dr Neppe pointed out several potential creative applications of TDVP and  the 9D-spin model:

And now, first, what some would perceive the most important findings:

The link of Science with Spirituality.

The two levels: The continuous infinite that contains and is possibly mirrored by a discrete finite.

  1. The infinite and the infinity of infinities could be argued to imply a highest power. This would be across N-dimensions of Time, and of Space and of Consciousness.

What this would imply is a universality of an Eternal Time (an Ein Sof —without end, and also without beginning), the beginning and end of Time is merged as one and likely implying some kind of multidimensional cycle Space is without end too which means everything would be accessible. Consciousness would be a without end repository of information. Some would regard this as a Divinity, but one where scientifically there are no attributes: TDVP does not imply anything about any of the “omni” qualities, namely Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnibenevolence, or Omnificence. This is the “Infinity of Infinities”. But there could be lesser degrees of what would be continuous infinity in that hierarchy and possibly they could only be mirrored or embedded in the discrete finite of the finite and transfinite.

  1. The 9 Dimensional spin concept means simply that much of reality is hidden. We living sentient beings are experiencing only 3 dimensions of Space, a moment in Time, and one slither of Consciousness. This is the major implication of demonstrable multidimensional finite reality.



And  now some other dramatic implications.
1. Models requiring 9D-spin specifically, namely TDVP
The concept of 3 dimensions each of Space, Time and “Consciousness”  (3S-3T-3C)
If  3S, 3T, 3C, this has all the applications of:
a. Multidimensional Time.
b. Extended consciousness dimensions.
c. We can appreciate that we all exist in 9 dimensions, but 5 of them, beyond 3 of space (3S) and one moment of time (1t) (3S-1t) are hidden but potentially accessible.
d. The balance is not only Space-Time as per Minkowski , 1908; it is now Space-Time-Consciousness  (STC) as per Neppe and Close, 2011. The most logical component here is all three being tethered together with STC being balanced together all the time. This is a fundamental axiom of TDVP.
e. d. TDVP posits that the 9D-spin finite ‘quantal/ qualit/ discrete) dimensions are contained within an infinite reality.

2. Applications not limited to 9D-spin but to other dimensional models
This can be applied to any multidimensional paradigm that includes “consciousness”. However, that severely restricts those Theories of Everything. Pertinently, String Theory does not include “consciousness”. And, of course, our Standard Model of Physics not only does not include consciousness as a dimension, but also restricts to 3S-1t. Amongst the few models other than TDVP that imply both multidimensionality and consciousness, is Klein’s Subquantal infinitesimals.
Additionally, there has to be a way to communicate across dimensions. TDVP utilizes a mechanism called “Vortical Indivension” to communicate across dimensions. This builds in the rotational / spin component and is unique amongst scientific models.

A.  Models requiring Consciousness.
Concepts 2.a to 2d. require “consciousness” as extra dimensions.
a. Concepts of “Altered states of consciousness” such as  near-death experiences, possibly dreams, subjective out-of-body experiences, survival of consciousness may involve these additional dimensions, either separately from 3S-1t or as extensions of 3S-1t.
b. This may allow explanations for the ostensible amnesic elements and lack of communications across such states and situations. It leads to an understanding of the complexity of communications across different states and dimensions because there has to be a mechanism for such communication, and in 3S-1t it is not.
c. These may imply other Dimensional Domains beyond 3S-1t, e.g., with individuals under certain states or traits, experiencing hidden dimensions like dimensions 6-9. This may allow appreciation of why communication across dimensional domains as in so-called “mediumship” or “channeling” is so difficult.
d. Utilizing the full components of one’s extended consciousness may be important in creativity and in the ability to extend one’s sources of information.  As a model, this extends 3S-1t to e.g., 3S-2T-2C.

B. Other models of Space Time Multidimensionality.
These models can include such ideas in any generic multidimensional models, provided there are mechanisms to communicate across dimensions. This has been well delineated, for example, theoretically in TDVP and String Theory.

Space and Time travel and communications.
a. modification of the so-called Einstein Rosen bridge (wormholes). Effectively, one is “warping” through different dimensions.  In TDVP, the mechanism is Vortical Indivension with vectors connecting across different dimensions.
In this instance, two elements are possible:
a.1. travel across dimensions: Interdimensional travel may imply far more than just travel to other astronomical places (Space dimensions). So this might imply a way to communicate across light years and save a fortune in space travel.
a.2.   movement backwards and forwards across Time: other aspects may not even be conceptualized at this point. (This may be difficult with most String Theories as they do not recognize time beyond 1T). This could imply going backwards or forwards into another ‘world”. Sometimes terms like parallel realitiesare used for this but the term is non-specific.

These may imply travel instantaneously across space, or across time, so time-space travel realistically Space-Time-Consciousness travel and movement.  (TDVP uses the tethering concept of Space, Time, Consciousness being a Unified Reality).

The difficulty would be to find a mechanism to communicate such information and particularly to validate what may be individual subjective experiences.

Development of new models.
Movement downward to other dimensions might allow the  ability to experience lower dimensions more completely and easily. For example, because we’re in 3S-1t we can already see a 2 dimensional planar picture because we have 3 dimensional volumetric vision. Similarly being outside a 3 D box might allow perception of the complete 3 D box. This model can be extended “top-down” and allow much easier conceptualization of mathematics, physics, biology, psychology and consciousness models: It can also be understood from the limitations of a “bottoms-up” approach.

Relativistic understanding.

Experience of different dimensional domains still implies subjective experience but from the perspective of a different perception, conception and interpretation of reality. (This is fundamental to the Calculus of Distinctions, the mathematicological system underlying TDVP).

Freedom of choice and will
a. Multidimensional Time and Consciousness implies free-will and the ability to choose different directions in the tree of life experience. Therefore, it has important spiritual elements. Effectively, there might be many paths in one’s lives.
b. This would still be restricted free will in TDVP as 9D-spin is just the finite mechanism. The discrete finite is contained within a “without end” (“Ein Sof”) in space, time and consciousness, making choice dependent on locality and availability.

If the reader has suggestions that these brief broad principles do not cover, please complete the form below. Thank you!

The Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP)


This section is extensively amplified under the major header on this site “TDVP”. 
2011, Drs Neppe and Close proposed a broad model for reality—the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP). TDVP proposes that the “finite” is made up of distinct parts. These are contained within a continuous infinite reality. The finite consists of 9 spinning (vortical) dimensions, and vortical / spin movements occur across these dimensions. Thereafter, the transfinite exists as a discrete “countable” infinity. The discrete finite is contained within a continuous infinite. This model is described in detail in the landmark Neppe and Close book, Reality Begins with Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works now its fourth edition, with 50 chapters, over 500 pages and extensively referenced (nearly 500 references)  See

This has been strongly endorsed by leading scientists in various specialties (

24 different models of “theories of everything” including Consciousness and Dimensions were carefully objectively compared. TDVP appears to be the most promising model of all at this time, scoring a perfect score (39/39) whereas all others besides the original Neppe and Close models in the 20s, scored <20/39.
The Current Perspective of 4D and  TDVP

The current concept of reality having only three spatial dimensions (length, breadth, height) in a moment in time appears quite insufficient. Through the prism of known knowledge, and sometimes relating what were already testing falsifiable assumptions on a wide variety of scientific data, Neppe and Close developed their TDVP model based on the best available observations across many different sciences and confirmed, at times, by mathematics. Furthermore, TDVP provides about 600 different hypotheses that are generated and these could provide doctoral topics for many centuries. The Cabibbo derivation may be the best mathematical example, thus far, of the feasibility of this model. TDVP is not an untestable philosophical hypothesis. There are numerous elements to it but these are scientifically testable and mathematically may be able to be derived.



Dr Neppe’s contributions have been prodigious in the area of brain medication to the extent that his contributions were recognized as one of the biographies in the area on the Leading Psychopharmacologists of the Twentieth Century by the Collegium Internationale Neuropharmacologicum.

We highlight just a few here.

            Carbamazepine and Anticonvulsants in Psychiatry

Dr. Neppe’s pharmacological work, in the early 1980s, impacted likely millions of patients and their families when he pioneered the area of anticonvulsants in psychiatry. Separately, Dr Neppe in South Africa and then continuing this work in the USA, recognized subpopulations of non-responsive psychotic and non-psychotic individuals with underlying temporolimbic instability, sometimes with explosive behaviors. This combined with Dr Robert Post in the USA on bipolar, and Dr Teruo Okuma in Japan on atypical schizophrenias impacted Psychiatry possibly more than any other finding in the past 40 years. Carbamazepine: His work began in 1977 with phenytoin, extended then to carbamazepine research in the refractory psychiatric inpatient with electroencephalographic temporal lobe abnormalities extending it to appropriate application of anti-kindling agents in psychopharmacology and to the atypical psychotic with target features and then to dyscontrol. This has been one of the major findings in psychopharmacology because of its enormous practical use.

            Tardive dyskinesia

High dose buspirone reasoned that theoretically had to work in tardive dyskinesia as at that level it was a dopamine partial agonist which would subsensitize the supersensitive receptor. Dr Neppe brilliant demonstrated this was so, publishing this discovery of a “cure” for a previously incurable condition in the Lancet in 1989 and later in a single blind study. Though used by many, he has never had reported to him any patient who has not responded to this treatment after adequate dosing and toleration of buspirone. Despite this, the treatment has never caught on, possibly a tragedy as it appears to be far the best treatment of tardive dyskinesia.  This is an example of Dr Neppe combining his detailed knowledge of the neuropharmacology of appropriate neurotransmitters making the result predictable and expected.. The dramatic story is described in Chapter 12 of his classic book Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope. The enthralling story of this discovery is written in a collector’s item book because it initiated the formal new literary genre of “sciction”  ( as well as in publications. Also important in this regard, azapirones in manic irritability, in manic irritability and in attention deficit disorder.


            Toleration and response to medication and potential rational polypharmacy

Dr Neppe pioneered the principles of rational polypharmacy and of toleration and response to medication including neuroleptics. This is, inter alia, portrayed in his pioneering book Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy. (


Phenomenology, Neuroscience and Consciousness Research

                                    Déjà vu experience:

Dr Neppe has been the world authority on déjà vu and his research is ongoing. Dr. Neppe has written a groundbreaking series of 4 books on déjà vu: One is a collector’s item. The other 3 books are put together as a Trilogy, one of which is subedited with him by Dr Art Funkhouser. Dr Neppe demonstrated that there are at least four distinct specific subtypes of déjà vu. These correspond to diagnostic categories and that such phenomenological experiences may be used in diagnosis and management . Some déjà vu is quite “normal, some occurs in subjective paranormal experients, some in a neuropsychiatric group (with psychoses and other in temporal lobe epileptics. This work pioneered Dr Neppe’s prodigious contributions to Phenomenology in Neuroscience and Consciousness Research.

For more information, click here.

The Temporal Lobe and Anomalous Experience
Dr Neppe has demonstrated (with Dr John Palmer) that so-called “psychic” symptoms relate to anomalous temporal lobe functioning, and that “psychics” experience specific temporal lobe symptoms. This is bidirectional and an area of research that goes back to the early 1980s.

                      Phenomenological Classifications

Dr Neppe’s prodigious work in this area led to developing a phenomenological classifications in Epilepsy and Psychiatry, and in detailed documentation of subjective experiences in Consciousness Research.

Neuropsychiatric Methodology

Dr Neppe is seeking volunteer research assistants worldwide who could collaborate on analyzing a wide range of data and develop many publications. The positions are at this stage voluntary. Examples are:

Screening Cerebral Assessment of Neppe (BROCAS SCAN). The major ongoing current project. This involves the development of an entirely new screening instrument in neuropsychiatry to evaluate cerebral cortical functioning. It involves detailed instructions, but can be administered clinically by medically trained individuals. Results are analyzed according to functional impairment i. e. recall, recognition, orientation, organization, concentration, calculation, apraxia agnosia, speech and neurological functions and compared with behavioral elements. A validity scale exists.

Inventory of Neppe of Symptoms of Epilepsy and the Temporal Lobe: The INSET is a detailed screening questionnaire which the patient fills out and is amplified by the interviewer is scored quantitatively. This involves the first such questionnaire developed and used at the PNI for 20+ years.


Copyrighted Questionnaires and Ongoing Research

  1. Screening cerebral assessment of Neppe (BROCAS SCAN) ©.
  2. Inventory of Neppe of Symptoms of Epilepsy and the Temporal Lobe (INSET) 1993. Numerous subsequent revisions. ©
  3. Problem Behaviors Rating Scale (PBRS) 1992 (©) (PBRS) (with JP Loebel) ©
  4. SOBIN (Soft Organic Brain Inventory of Neppe) 2002 ©
  5. The Narcolepsy Questionnaire of Neppe. ©
  6. NEASTS: Neppe Experiences of Anomalous Subjective Type Screen. ©


  1. SEASTS: Screening Experiences of Anomalous Subjective Type Screen
  2. BEASTS: Brief Experiences of Anomalous Subjective Type Screen
  3. DEASTS: Detailed Experiences of Anomalous Subjective Type Screen
  4. SHADES: Subjective Hamilton Depression Evaluation Scale. First self-rated Hamilton Depression Scale


Exceptional Intelligence


            Child prodigies and measurement of very high intelligence.

SCHIQ, intelligence measures, Exceptional Creative Achievement.

IQ tests can reveal a person’s degree of common intelligence, but fall short in identifying exceptional intelligence. This could  result in significant undervaluation and potentially mis-diagnosed behavioral symptoms. Dr. Neppe has been a leader in research into the identification and testing of exceptional intelligence, having presented his important findings to the International Society for Intelligence Research in Atlanta, among others. Information on Dr. Neppe’s research and a promising new method of measuring exceptionally high intelligence can be found at   Intelligence assessment by history taking in child prodigies with adult achievement constitutes the SCHIQ evaluation. Pioneering pilot study using a new measure for assessing very high intelligence: Structured, corrected, historical intelligence quotient. To this end, Dr Neppe founded The Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization (ECAO) (see to allow development of exceptional creative achievement and a focus of collaboration and consultation on the members’ individual special skills. Dr Neppe is the Executive Director and currently the only person who based on objective criteria has achieved the level of Distinguished Professor.

Collaboration on IQ testing
Dr Neppe was an outside professional consultant on the latest version of the most standardized adult USA intelligence test, the WAIS, as well as the Wechsler Memory Scale.
Internet Security and HIPAA Compliance

Dr Neppe has worked in the area of Internet Email security for nearly a decade. He has published in the area, and been used as a consultant applying his creative skills to this area. This, combined with the sensitive nature of his work and his being trained in such principles by Dr Ed Gerck, probably the world’s leading expert on Internet Security and Voting, has facilitate his expert standing as an authority on Internet message security and usability as well as versatility in complying with HIPAA regulations. Extensive testing has been performed on the security reliability of existing systems, and, after careful objective analyses of the four major technological engines, the only system he has found to satisfy the highest level of all exacting security requirements is the ZSentry engine which is the first to solve the previous contradiction between security and usability. This

application provides fool-proof encryption of messages and files used and distributed online from your desktop computer, laptop, tablet and mobile phone. It is compatible with Android, Apple, BlackBerry, Gmail, Google Apps, Microsoft, Nokia, Yahoo and others. Secure usable emails can be sent out without pre-arrangements to any email address anywhere in the world, and the receiver can respond securely. More information, and purchase can be found at this link: