Dr. Vernon Neppe and Dr. Edward Close have created a series of YouTube videos you may enjoy and find educational.
Please note these YouTubes are targeted for the interested general audience.
They are not meant to be for scientist specialists. They are to illustrate principles.
Dr. Vernon Neppe did a new series of about a dozen podcasts with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove in Albuquerque, NM during late April, early April 2018. Standby for all but we list those that are published.
Please also refer below to the Podcasts between Dr. Neppe and Dr. Mishlove in 2016. They’re all there. There are also some brief videos of a few minutes—key extractions of Dr. Neppe’s work.
Psychotropic Medications with Vernon Neppe
Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, is a neuropsychiatrist and head of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and recipient of the Whiting Memorial Award. He is author of two major psychopharmacology books, Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope and Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy (www.brainvoyage.com), and many other books including Déjà Vu Revisited, Déjà Vu: A Second Look, Déjà Vu: Glossary and Library. He was chosen (in 2004) as one of the Leading Psychopharmacologists of the Twentieth Century by the Collegium Internationale Neuropharmacologicum. He also led the first ever USA and International Delegation in Psychopharmacology and Neuropsychiatry (to China). Dr Neppe has amplified many of his concepts in three of the websites linked with his work. His books are amplified on www.Brainvoyage.com; www.VernonNeppe.org is his gateway and includes more information on the Neppe-Close model of the Triadic Distinction Vortical Paradigm (TDVP) and some of the key publications are on www.pni.org. Together with Dr Edward Close, he pioneered the new discipline of what they call “Dimensional Biopsychophysics”. He is author, with physicist and mathematician, Edward Close PhD, PE, of Reality Begins with Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works. His professional publications number over 700.
Here, Dr. Neppe describes the many factors requisite for proper prescription and monitoring of psychiatric medications. He maintains that these drugs can be remarkably effective, and even life-saving, when used properly. However, there are instances in which physicians do not adequately take into account such factors as body sensitivity, multiple diagnoses, nutriceutical interactions, therapeutic windows, dose frequency, dosing and side-effects. There are also issues related to the proper use of generic drugs. Legislation may be required to address some issues.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Vernon Neppe
Here, Dr. Neppe explains that physicists working in cosmology have calculated that dark matter and dark energy constitute about 95.1% of the universe that we inhabit. Because these ‘dark substances” are invisible and have never been directly detected, their exact nature is speculative. Dr. Neppe then describes his own discovery with physicist Edward R. Close, describing a hypothetical new substance they call “Gimmel”, which they have demonstrated mathematically is required in order to maintain stability in every subatomic particle in the universe. Neppe shows that there is a very close mathematical (1 in 1250!) correlation between Gimmel and the mass and energy of the most common elements in the cosmos, and the proportion of Dark Energy and Dark Matter in the universe. Moreover, Neppe and Close showed that the calculated relationship of rotating atoms to Dark Matter and Dark Energy is also very close suggesting that the Dark Energy/ Dark Matter may fit into our 9-dimensional finite existence. Importantly, when these results are added to the Neppe-Close quantum mass findings at the atomic level, we appear to have the same unified laws of nature for everything—the quantal world, in our physical macroworld and in our cosmological world.
Here, Dr. Neppe notes that the various professions concerned with consciousness all have different definitions and different concerns regarding the nature of awareness, consciousness, or mind. As a neurologist he is inclined to describe neurological levels of awareness, and as a psychiatrist perceive different kinds of psychological consciousness. But these are very different from a consciousness that may not be in the brain and a theoretician might look at issues such as discrete finite quanta with quantal consciousness and differentiate that from what we could call infinite, higher, or extended consciousness and also from extra dimensions of time and space. He refers to his friendship with the late Michael Whiteman of South Africa, a mathematician who appears to have been able to induce out-of-body experiences at will and kept detailed diaries of his experiences. Dr. Neppe maintains that scientific evidence for survival after death is conclusive.
Feasibility and Falsification of Scienc with Vernon Neppee
Here he suggests that the criterion of “falsifiability”, as defined by the philosopher Karl Popper, has limited applicability in science. He argues that we should consider the scientific feasibility of hypotheses that are not currently falsifiable. This new term in the Philosophy of Science is called. “Lower Dimensional Feasibility, Absent Falsification” (LFAF) . Feasibility is particularly true in the social sciences — as well as in physical sciences involving more than three dimensions of space and one dimension in time. LFAF has important applications in the Forensic Sciences and in Medicine where feasibility may be more important than Falsifiability, and there are areas of science called pseudoscience.despite the methodology (e.g. parapsychology, consciousness research) and yet Cosmology and Evolution are ‘scientific’ despite not being falsifiable.
Free Will, Materialism, and Precognition with Vernon Neppe
Here he reviews the many causal factors that determine human behavior: genetics, environment, social conditioning, habit formation, etc. He argues that, because of these factors, human free will is not absolute — but only partial. He also reviews research on precognition and, then, elaborates on some dramatic personal experiences with precognition. He explains that the nine-dimensional model, known as TDVP, he has developed with physicist Edward Close, offers a logical way of reconciling precognition with free will. Effectively Neppe argues that we have a “limited freedom of choice” involving a third dimension of time in which new choices can be made: This model derives from his earlier experience that he called ’The Neppe Law of Cause and Effect’ where changes in what is apparently fated can be made by changing the cause and therefore the effect.
Evil: A Psychiatric Perspective with Vernon Neppe
Here Dr. Neppe argues that evil is very different from psychiatric illness. Evil occurs far more commonly in the general population, and antisocial/ sociopathic/ psychopathic criminal, or evil behaviors ought not be excused just by applying a label of ‘psychiatrically ill’. To equate evil with mental illness removes responsibility and is an Insult to the mentally ill, who only rarely commit evil acts. He argues that psychopathy may be an aggravating circumstance in rehabilitation. Moreover, perpetrators of violent crimes should not have their notoriety reinforced: They should not be named just be numbers like 40632A. The discipline of psychiatry should furthermore introduce an Axis 6 for Evil into future manuals, and Axis 6 would mainly include the evil members of the population who had not been regarded as mentally ill. Prof Neppe suggests that a scale of behavior ranging from very good to very evil could (and should) be applied to all people. He also describes his own experience participating in psychological experiments designed to test how far people will go following the directions of authority figures. He also reflects on epiphanous personal experiences with psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients.
Genius, Creativity, and Exceptional Intelligence with Vernon Neppe
Dr. Neppe and Dr Close was unanimously awarded the highly coveted interdisciplinary, worldwide Whiting Memorial Prize in late 2016 by the ISPE, one of the exceptional IQ groups we discuss in this YouTube. Dr. Neppe is Executive Director and Distinguished Professor, The Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization; www.ecao.us
Here he explains the difficulties in measuring exceptional levels of intelligence. He also describes different types of prodigies and geniuses. He notes that the psi research literature strongly suggests that consciousness can operate independently of the brain. However, IQ measurements do not take this factor into account.
What’s The Matter With Matter? with Vernon Neppe
In this discussion, he explains that, while endeavoring to calculate the volume of subatomic particles as well as atoms, he and his theoretical partner, physicist Edward Close, discovered a mathematical requirement for a new substance that occupied volume but contains neither mass nor energy. This substance, he believes, may be consciousness. He calls it “Gimmel”, and argues that Gimmel is present in every single stable particle in the universe, otherwise, they would fly off the face of the earth. He believes that this discovery resolves many other scientific mysteries. The important point here is, gimmel is ostensibly in union with all subatomic particles, with mass and/or energy. It is likely not in union with unstable particles, such as the Higgs boson or the gluons, for example, and it’s not in union with neutrinos and positrons and other parts of the ‘particle soup’.
Dr. Neppe refuted ‘atomic materialism’. However small, still one could not calculate the cube root which is necessary to look at it from an integral point of view, because it starts at that integral linear level and then gets cubed. This is so even if one is not dealing with a perfect sphere (and these seldom occur in nature). It is mathematically impossible to make even the two together into an integral solution (Fermat’s Last Theorem). One has to have a third component in terms of these volumetric calculations; and in fact, from the volumetric perspective point of view, there are not too many choices. This is where the number 1083 comes in: It’s the most basic choice of a stable, symmetric element – and sometimes compound, such as water.
Dr. Neppe discussed matter and not mass in this discussion. He and Dr. Close perceive the larger the mass, the more the inertial resistance of angular momentum.
Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, is a neuropsychiatrist and head of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle. a Dimensional Biopsychophysicist.
(Mishlove, 46:13)
The Dyadic, Creative Interface with Vernon Neppe
This is a truly remarkable and possibly historic podcast. It not only reflects the unusual and creative relationship of the two architects of the amazing TDVP model, but summarizing in some detail the truly groundbreaking findings that should likely change the way of thinking of scientists and even laypersons worldwide. Such are the implications of TDVP (Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm). Some of these topics are later dealt with separately in Podcasts. Dr. Vernon Neppe and Dr. Edward Close have pioneered the new discipline of Dimensional Biopsychophysics.
Here, he describes his creative relationship with Dr. Edward R. Close — and their work together in developing a comprehensive “theory of everything”. He points out that they met through the exceptional IQ society, the International Society for Philosophical Enquiry.
He adds that they each saw the need to work together immediately upon reading each other’s work, without ever having met in person. He describes the remarkable complementary nature of their ideas.
Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, is a neuropsychiatrist and head of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle. Together with Dr Edward Close, he pioneered the new discipline of what they call “Dimensional Biopsychophysics”. He is author, with physicist Edward Close, of Reality Begins with Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works. He is also author of Déjà Vu Revisited, Déjà Vu: A Second Look, Déjà Vu: Glossary and Library, Cry the Beloved Mind: A Voyage of Hope, and Innovative Psychopharmacotherapy. His professional publications number over 700. Dr Neppe has amplified many of his concepts in two of the websites linked with his work. On www.Brainvoyage.com, his books are amplified. www.VernonNeppe.org is his gateway and includes more information on the Neppe-Close model of the Triadic Distinction Vortical Paradigm.
Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf, is a neuropsychiatrist and head of the Pacific Neuropsychiatric Institute in Seattle. a Dimensional Biopsychophysicist.
(Mishlove, 41:25)
Kabbalah, Science, and Spirituality with Vernon Neppe
This is already being warmly embraced by the public. For the first time, Dr. Vernon Neppe discusses in detail his understanding of the complex Kabbalic mysticism and shows how TDVP (Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm) is possibly the scientific translation of a form of mysticism that is according to some initially developed by Abraham.
One aspect that Dr. Neppe would like to have discussed is the difference between existence and experience. Our experience as living, sentient beings is in so-called ‘restricted 3s-1t’. This means we experience reality only through one limited prism of length, breadth and height in our physical dimensions, in a moment in time, the present: 3s-1t. It is restricted, because even then, we don’t experience all of this: We don’t for example experience the infrared or ultraviolet parts of the spectrum; we don’t experience directly X-rays or radio waves, for example. This experience is different from our existence. Most of our existence Kabbalistically and in TDVP is hidden: It is covert, it is not overt; and it is hidden beyond these higher dimensions. And amongst these higher dimensions, is consciousness. . So for example, with subatomic particles, with quarks and electrons, there is data that we can impact and influence – for example with random number generators, showing data at the 1 in a billion chance level. However, that does not mean to say that independently, these quarks or electrons could act; however, they always act in concert with others, just like ants in a biological way do not act individually, but collectively.And Dr. Neppe introduced the idea of the individual unit. As a systems theorist, he’s well aware of this; but this is part of the whole Kabbalic survival of a whole.
(Mishlove, 35:04)
Understanding Gimmel with Vernon Neppe
Drs. Neppe and Close were awarded the coveted Whiting Memorial Award in 2016 by the ISPE for “expanding boundaries of scientific understanding”. Here Dr. Neppe describes his discovery (with Dr Close) of the existence of a new entity that he calls Gimmel, named for the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. He indicates that Gimmel is in union with every stable subatomic particle, atom, and molecule. Gimmel is the necessary massless and energyless third component of reality, and might represent the equivalent of consciousness or the vehicle for consciousness. Recently Drs. Close and Neppe have demonstrated that applying gimme with electrons, and the quarks of protons and neutrons with their , their mass-energy- volume data exactly corresponds mathematically with the normalized figures found in the Large Hadron Collider. This seems to prove that their data is empirically based.
The Neppe-Close calculations show that Gimmel is particularly active in hydrogen, the most common element in the universe; and also that gimmel is profoundly linked with Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Dr. Neppe emphasizes the role of gimmel as a third substance that is necessary for stability. It does not mean to say that gimmel is entirely consciousness. His current thinking is that gimmel is a necessary but not sufficient component for consciousness: Gimmel can be seen as a vehicle, substance, agent, process and component. The concept of conservation of gimmel and TRUE means that nothing is lost in our world.
(Mishlove, 33:12)
Infinity and Non-Locality with Vernon Neppe
Neppe explains that, though we only experience our physical lives of 3 dimensions of space in a moment in time (3S-1t), we nevertheless still exist in a discrete nine-dimensional finite universe plus a separate “countable infinity—the discrete transfinite. These are made up of innumerable ‘quanta’ —Planck lengths in quantum physics. These quantized dimensions (finite and transfinite) are all intimately, necessarily and inseparably “embedded” (directly contained)—like a hand to an arm, more than just a connection—in a non-quantized, unbroken infinite continuity that is forever extended in unbounded space, eternal time and an all-pervasive consciousness repository. This infinite continuity may be responsible for the order in our existence—“ordropy”— and this also implies survival after physical death. here is the controversial notion of levels of the infinite—the “infinity of infinities”—regarded as if mathematicians were challenging god. However, this infinity of infinities better allows us to understand how each component of our finite reality may be mirrored in the infinite.
(Mishlove, 44:48)
Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove has created an important historical archive series entitled “New Thinking Allowed”. We are proud to place here eight interviews that Dr. Mishlove did with Dr. Vernon Neppe:
Déjà Vu with Vernon Neppe (New Thinking Allowed)
Extraordinarily important in demonstrating phenomenological terminology, besides key features of déjà vu. Dr Neppe is the world expert on déjà vu. (Mishlove, 28:05 minutes)
Psychic Experience and the Brain with Vernon Neppe (New Thinking Allowed)
This is fundamental and needs educating even amongst Consciousness Researchers. Many are ignorant about this work. Dr Neppe’s pioneering work on the temporal lobe and the brain and psi is fundamental to the area. (Mishlove, 29:40 minutes)
The Nature of Psi with Vernon Neppe (New Thinking Allowed)
What is more fundamental for Consciousness Researchers? This explains not only the 9 areas of psi that show frequentist statistics of 1 in a billion against chance. Many are ignorant about this work but it is key as this is part of our reality. Moreover, in this video, Dr Neppe alludes briefly to the Neppe-Close explanation of mechanisms of psi by applying concepts in TDVP. Therefore there is a way to explain psi by a single mechanism. (Mishlove, 28:32)
Space, Time, and Consciousness with Vernon Neppe (New Thinking Allowed)
This is key data pertaining to the Neppe-Close TDVP paradigm shift. It reflects possibly a key fundamental change in thinking. (Mishlove, 26:41 minutes)
Reality Begins with Consciousness with Vernon Neppe (New Thinking Allowed)
Why consciousness is so fundamental to our existence even when we don’t recognize it. (Mishlove, 26:44 minutes)
Theories of Everything with Vernon Neppe (New Thinking Allowed)
This video give a perspective on why the Neppe-Close TDVP model is so much better than any other so-called “Theory of Everything” that so far been developed. Each of these three interviews (“Space, Time and Consciousness,” “Reality Begins with Consciousness” and “Theories of Everything”) are effectively major units but they’re incomplete without the other two. (Mishlove, 27:09 minutes)
Philosophy, Mysticism, Spirituality, and Science with Vernon Neppe (New Thinking Allowed)
This relates to the Neppe-Close philosophy of Unified Monism. This is the only philosophical model that derives directly from a scientific-mathematical model (TDVP). Unified Monism turns out to have strong similarities philosophically with Kabbalic mysticism. Dr Neppe compares Unified Monism with many philosophies, and it seamlessly connects with theories of our physical reality, as well as radical findings like survival after death, as well as allowing for psi. (Mishlove, 26:23 minutes)
The Chess Game from Beyond the Grave (New Thinking Allowed)
This has already provoked great interest amongst Consciousness Resarchers. It is regarded by many as the best proof of survival after death. (Mishlove, 28:36 minutes)
Video Nugget: Criteria for a Theory of Everything with Vernon Neppe
This New Thinking Allowed “Video Nugget” has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled “Theories of Everything”.
(New Thinking Allowed, 4:51)
Video Nugget: Mathematics and Reality with Vernon Neppe
This New Thinking Allowed “Video Nugget” has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled “Space, Time, and Consciousness”.
(New Thinking Allowed, 4:49)
Video Nugget: Subjective Paranormal Experience with Vernon Neppe
This New Thinking Allowed “Video Nugget” has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled “Déjà Vu”.
(New Thinking Allowed, 3:58)
Video Nugget: Infinity Embeds the Finite with Vernon Neppe
This New Thinking Allowed “Video Nugget” has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled “Philosophy, Mysticism, Spirituality, and Science”.
(New Thinking Allowed, 4:35)
Video Nugget: Géza Maróczy Died in 1951 with Vernon Neppe
This New Thinking Allowed “Video Nugget” has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled “The Chess Game from Beyond the Grave”.
(New Thinking Allowed, 4:06)
Video Nugget: The Quality of Psi Research with Vernon Neppe
This New Thinking Allowed “Video Nugget” has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled “The Nature of Psi”.
(New Thinking Allowed, 6:19)
Video Nugget: Evaluating Paradigms with Vernon Neppe
This New Thinking Allowed “Video Nugget” has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Vernon Neppe and Jeffrey Mishlove titled “Reality Begins With Consciousness”.
(New Thinking Allowed, 5:18)
About Gimmel and some remarkable discoveries
1. Prelude to the Kane-Neppe Vimeo
The remarkable voyage of discovery below took place in the main foyer of the Grand Waikikian Hotel of the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Honolulu in of December 2017. The many background perturbations from active vacationers performing their day-to-day hotel business, give a certain humanity to this hard-line scientific discussion for laypersons. This interview is simply destined to become a classic because it describes phenomena that literally change our awareness of what reality is all about.
For perspective, in 2011, Dr Edward Close and Dr Vernon Neppe developed “Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm”. (TDVP also called TDdVP). Since then their joint model has progressed enormously, and with each discovery, this ‘Theory of Everything’ (what they call ‘metaparadigm’ to reflect its broad scope) has developed more and more. They’ve tested numerous hypotheses and they have all turned out to be correct mathematically and none have been refuted. This has been expected for a TOE in which the fundamental model has been sound. But they also have differentiated aspects they cannot completely prove such as there are three dimensions each of Space, Time and Consciousness. This is described below on VernonNeppe/presents in Vernon Neppe Interview by Sherri Kane on “Gimmel” and “God Consciousness” Proven by Math.
2. Not the “God Particle” but better. Vernon Neppe Interview by Sherri Kane on “Gimmel” and “God Consciousness” Proven by Math:
This is how Sherri Kane, the interviewer, describes this Vimeo movie (43 minutes):
“This is an hour-long impromptu interview of the genius author of more than 700 scientific articles and numerous books, Dr Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, Fellow Royal Society (SAf), and Distinguished Professor of the Exceptional Creative Achievement Organization. Sherri Kane, Vice President of Medical Veritas International, Inc., invites this pioneering and creative Consciousness Researcher and Dimensional Biopsychophysicist (including prodigy mathematician and remarkable physics scholar) to share what he and his colleague, another math genius, Edward Close, believe is better than the so-called “God Particle.” This is a hotly-debated topic in Atomic Physics at present. Instead, Dr. Neppe describes a third property, “Gimmel”, and gimmel is potentially intertwined with the “God Matrix.” Neppe and Close’s mathematical proofs have given humanity renewed hope for civilization’s emergence from darkness into “consciousness” for a healthier, happier, and more enlightened living. And this might have everything to do with vibrational frequencies even including ‘consciousness’ and Dr. Horowitz’s “LOVE 528Hz” frequency for medicinal music-making. Dr Neppe has used the term “Vibrational Equivalence Frequency” (VEF) to emphasize the link of these vibrations not only in Space and Time but in Consciousness. Some of Dr Neppe’s YouTubes and videos on these topics appear at http://vernonneppe.org/presents/.
His books are on www. Brainvoyage.com.
Professor Neppe’s achievements in Medicine are also exceptional: He has been recognized in every edition of Castle Connolly’s peer-selected “America’s Top Doctors”. Moreover, he appears to be the only physician ever listed by them in 5 specialties and subspecialties: In psychiatry (in which he is a “Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association”); in psychopharmacology (as one of the “Leading Psychopharmacologists of the 20th century”); in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry (in which disciplines, Dr Neppe was a world-wide pioneer having established the first division of neuropsychiatry in the United States); and in forensic psychiatry/ neuropsychiatry (in which he is retained as one of the leading civil experts in the USA and beyond). His medical website includes www.pni.org.”
Published on January 9, 2018 by Revolution Television. We thank RevolutionTelevision.net for permission to post.
3. Perspective to TDVP, gimmel and the Kane-Neppe interview.
Professor Neppe discusses the model that he and Dr Edward Close developed “Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm”. (TDVP also called TDdVP). This was in part reflected in their classic book “Reality Begins with Consciousness: A Paradigm Shift that Works” (Editions 1 to 5) (www.brainvoyage.com) and in their further discoveries including l refutations of Atomic Materialism and the mathematical demonstration of ‘Triadic Rotational Units of Equivalence’ (TRUE units). A major core discovery was the mathematical and practical necessity of the fact that mass and energy alone was not enough. There is always a need for a ‘third substance or process’ called ’gimmel’ even at the atomic level. Doctors Close and Neppe regard gimmel as likely to reflect (in part or whole) ‘consciousness’ depending on the dimensional level. But even more so cosmologically, gimmel correlates very strongly with Dark Matter and Dark Energy, and remarkably the gimmel correlates with these dark substances in the atom itself—with electrons (dark energy) and with the protons/ neutrons (dark matter), requiring a 9-D explanation to understand how it fits. Dr Neppe distinguishes the 9-dimensional quantized finite reality (‘9-D’) that we exist in from the ‘3S-1t’—the physical reality of 3 spatial dimensions in a moment in time (the present) that we experience. (3S-1t). 9-D turns the whole of reality around: It even has implications for psi phenomena and possibly life after death. This 9D quantized volumetric finite reality likely consists of 3 dimensions each of Space, Time and Consciousness. However, 9-D itself is incomplete: This ‘9-D finite quantized existence’ is necessarily and always embedded in a continuous infinite. We cannot have a finite without the infinite. This makes everything into a profound single reality. Gimmel might play a role in both: It might derive from the infinite and impacts every particle in the finite. Also, Neppe and Close describe ‘ordropy’— the concept of the ‘tendency to order in the infinite reality’. This is in contrast with the known finite physical reality ‘tendency to disorder’ called ‘entropy’ in the finite). Ordropy implies that ‘life’ always exists. There is no physical death. Importantly, too, Dr Neppe alludes to a most remarkable finding: That the mass-energy equivalences are exactly equal to the ‘normalized’ results in the Large Hadron Collider. This means their results are not just mathematical operations but real empirical data relevant to the world!
From the Forever Family Foundation‘s “Signs of Life”:
NEW: Dr. Neppe Returns to Signs of Life
Second interview with Dr. Neppe for the Forever Family Foundation’s “Signs of Life” radio show (2017).Consciousness in Practice, 9 Dimensions and Memory, Time, Altered States of Consciousness
Interview with Dr. Neppe for the Forever Family Foundation’s “Signs of Life” radio show (2013). Watch for the first in the series of God Matrix: Answers that Make Sense. (Reality Begins with Consciousness, 5th ed.)
From “Science and Spirituality TV” featuring Dr. Edward Close:
Science and Spirituality TV Welcome
Introducing Science and Spirituality TV – Devoted to the pursuit of truth in the unbiased quest to unite science with spirituality in a comprehensive new scientific paradigm – a true theory of everything. For more information visit www.ERCloseTPhysics.com (Close, 5:07 minutes)
A Real Theory of Everything
What does it take to make a theory a Theory of Everything? Combining matter, energy, space and time. Or is there something else that has to be included? (Close, 4:30 minutes)
My Story – The Vision
Edward R Close shares the inspiration and vision behind the Close/Neppe Theory of Everything. (Close, 4:52 minutes)
What Is Unique About The Close-Neppe Theory of Everything
A Theory of Everything must not only be internally consistent, it must also provide new mathematics that can help us understand a larger part of the reality we experience. What makes the Close/Neppe Theory of Everything Unique? (Close, 4:59)
God’s Love in Numbers – Mathematics Made Simple
Poetry, Art, Music, and Science are all attempts of the Human Spirit to understand ourselves, the world around us, and how the universe works. Mathematics is the language that we use to describe the physical laws that we find operating in the physical universe. Mathematics also relates to poetry, music and art. Why is that? Because mathematics is a simplified language. It is a reflection of the mind of God and His unconditional love is so great that when he created us he made certain we would be able to discover Him through the pursuit of truth. (Close, 2:56 minutes)
Putting Consciousness Into The Equations The Calculus of Distinctions
The Calculus of Distinctions is briefly described in this video. This Calculus of Distinctions developed by Edward R Close, PhD, precedes the Calculus of Newton and Leibnitz and allows the author to examine physical reality from a new perspective that incorporates Consciousness in the equations. Warning: Mathematics, Equations, something for real Scientists has been included in this video. (Close, 13:38 minutes)
Uniting Science and Spirituality
Why is there no currently accepted Theory of Everything? How can anyone possibly unite Science and Spirituality? What links these two disparate approaches to truth? (Close, 7:39)
The Most Important Question
Modern science has largely ignored the most important question, posed by one of the world’s most respected scientists nearly 300 years ago. What is that Most Important Question and is an answer to that question possible? (Close, 5:33)
Symmetry And Stability
Edward R Close, PhD, explains why symmetry is necessary for stability in TDVP, the Close/Neppe Theory of Everything. (Close, 7:45 minutes)
The Electron, Relativity and True Units
(Close, 7:45 minutes)
Explaining the Unexplainable
Non-locality, the speed of light, and how we determine True Units! The weirdness of Quantum Physics, Relativity’s guiding principle, and what the LHC tell us about True Units. Presented are necessary concepts for the non-mathematician or scientist. (Close, 15:28 minutes)
True Quantum Units, 3 Dimensions of Time and the Big Bang Myth
The Close-Neppe Theory of Everything unites relativity, quantum physics, and cosmology, explaining and providing new meaning for many of the mysteries of the current scientific paradigm. In this video you will learn about 2 current mysteries, how they are resolved, and what that means about the Big Bang. 1. Why is there something rather than nothing? 2. Why are Hydrogen atoms stable? 3. Why there was no Big Bang. (Close, 15:32 minutes)
The New Physics of Multi Dimensional Reality
Why is there a need for new physics beyond the discoveries of Planck, Einstein and Bohr? What is the difference between the TRUE unit and the electron? How do we know that Reality has more than 4 dimensions and does that change the way particle collider data should be interpreted? These questions are examined and answered in this video. No mathematical equations are utilized in this video. (Close, 6:31 minutes)
The New Science of TDVP Particles Spinning in 9 Dimensions
How do you visualize objects spinning in several dimensions? Why do elementary particles exhibit an intrinsic spin, called quantum spin number, that contributes to the angular momentum of the particle? No mathematical equations in this video. (Close, 10:05 minutes)
What is Mass?
If, as Max Planck said, there is no matter, then what is mass? In this video, we answer this question, and in the process answer several other questions that have puzzled physicists for decades. What are elementary particles when they are not being observed and measured? Particles? Waves? Both? or Neither? Can the answer to the questions “What is mass?” also explain non-local action-at-a-distance phenomena like gravity and quantum entanglement? (Close, 16:32 minutes)
What Are Dimensions?
Length, Width, Height, curled-up, space-like, time-like, separate, connected – What are Dimensions? Learn how the extra dimensions proposed in the Close/Neppe TDVP science of the future relate to familiar known dimensions, what they are, and even where they are located. This new understanding of the reality of extra dimensions opens the door to a science that includes consciousness and spirituality. (Close, 13:32 minutes)
Can There Be A Theory of Everything (TOE) Without Including Consciousness?
How can you have a theory of everything (TOE), if you don’t include Consciousness? How do you include Consciousness? The finely tuned universe requires a third form of something that is neither matter or energy. We call that Gimmel. (Edward Close, 5:50)
Is Consciousness an Emergent Feature of Reality?
Is Consciousness an emergent feature of reality? Or is matter and emergent feature of consciousness? Is consciousness just related to an individual or is there a Primary Consciousness that operates behind the curtain of physical reality? (Edward Close, 2:09)
The following key recordings considering the 9D Spin model have been made.
These are continually being amplified with additional YouTube recordings.
Particularly exciting are these our latest YouTubes. We have deliberately prepared all our YouTubes for the general audience interested in these areas. These do not contain the kinds of detail on research that are found on the research page, which is targeted more for scientists, but still, in part, user-friendly for regular readers.
9-Dimensional Spin, the Cabibbo angle and TDVP: Historical perspective
(Dr. Neppe) Please allocate 20 minutes. (Neppe)
Reality, 9 Dimensions, TDVP, Cabibbo, and Spin: A Perspective
(Dr Neppe) Please allocate 18 minutes (Neppe)
9D Spin Model and TDVP in relation to String Theory (Drs Neppe and Close)
Please allocate 22 minutes (Neppe)
The Three Dimensions of Time; and can Backwards Time occur? Applying TDVP (Drs Neppe and Close) (targeted for a general audience).
Please allocate 22 minutes. (Neppe)
The Cabibbo Mixing Angle and 9-Dimensional Spin: Some technical mathematical and physical data (Drs Close and Neppe) (This is technical and general listeners may find it complex)
Please allocate 13 minutes (Neppe)
We have added this more technical YouTube for Physicists and Mathematicians so as to allow more understanding of the very complex area of the Cabibbo mixing angle, 9 dimensions and the physics. We strongly suggest you use this in conjunction with the material in blue font on http://www.vernonneppe.org/RESEARCH.html beginning More detail on the technical aspects of the Close and Neppe Cabibbo Angle findings: as well as, of course, the E-book Reality Begins with Consciousness where a special Chapter (Chapter 9) is specifically devoted to this discussion.
We hope to include several other important and topical recordings such as another technical YouTube, but far less complex. This a sister to this one:
Fundamentals of 9 dimensions, Cabibbo mixing angle and orbital spin: Some complex mathematical necessities.
- 9 dimensions and 4 dimensions.
Additional video channels can be found at these links:
Dr. Edward Close’s “Transcendental Physics” blog can be found at: http://www.erclosetphysics.com/
For even more detail on the Cabibbo angle, 9D spin and TDVP, vernonneppe.org/RESEARCH.html·
For media background to Reality Begins with Consciousness www. brainvoyage.com/RBC/media/
For more on Dr Vernon Neppe’s background, see www.VernonNeppe.org/ABOUT.html
Media contacts (press, magazine, television and radio): http://www.vernonneppe.org/CONTACT.html
For more on Dr Ed Close please visit www.erclosetphysics.com
For more on the terminology see http://www.brainvoyage.com/RBC/glossary.php
We present here a series of YouTubes on the Neppe and Close TDVP (Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Paradigm)
What order should you listen? We have numbered them sequentially though each is also constructed so it can be listened to on its own. Please click on the title, but if that link does not work we provide a second link too.
(1) Theory of Everything (TOE): TDVP, the metaparadigm of Neppe and Close
(2) Dimensions and TDVP (Neppe and Close)
(3) Consciousness and TDVP (Neppe)
(4) Tethering across dimensions in the TDVP model (Neppe)
(5) Feasibility, LFAF applying the Scientific Method and Vortices in TDVP (Neppe)
(6-a)Quantum Physics and Reality: TDVP (Close)
(7) Science and TDVP (Close with Neppe)
(8) Infinity and TDVP (Neppe) (July 2013)
Additional videos are being uploaded on a regular basis.
You may find these YouTubes illuminating. Our target is generally the intelligent layperson but sometimes scientists may find them useful too. Most of these YouTubes are short. Many cover the book Reality Begins with Consciousness and the Triadic Dimensional Distinction Vortical Model.
We are gradually hoping to add to those that are available and to modify them with updates. We are intending to include new books, and some of our other books and some important concepts. We have numbered them in the order suggested for your watching. You can follow the best order by the numbers. E.g. start with 1. Theory of Everything (TOE), then 2. Dimensions etc.
This way you will see all the completed Neppe and Close links of YouTubes or other Audio and Video and those being planned. Please note that the links may become out of date because significant YouTube edits require modification in I-Movie or related programs. Therefore the links to the audio-video are examples, and you can always search under the title. You can also go directly to www.YouTube.com and to search under our special headers: Brainvoyage or VMNBVPNI or TDVP or under Vernon Neppe or Edward Close or you can locate a specific title e.g. Tethering.
Some of the following YouTubes are in process.
We list too the ones we plan for the future.
9. Introduction to the Neppe-Close TDVP model (Neppe)
10. Why The Cabibbo angle is important for TDVP (Neppe)
11. The nine dimensional finite spin reality TDVP (Neppe)
12. Infinity and TDVP (Neppe)
13. Life, order and TDVP (Neppe)
14. Order and TDVP (Neppe)
15. Psychological links to the TDVP model (Neppe)
16. Why conventional physics has failed and TDVP. (Close and Neppe)
17. Vortices (Neppe)
18. Mathematics and TDVP (Close)
19. Unified Monism, the Philosophical Model behind TDVP (Neppe)
20. Glimpses and TDVP (Neppe)
21. Conferences and lectures brief
- Conferences and lectures brief. Neppe Workshop (TDVP, RBC)
- Conferences and Lectures and TDVP (Neppe)
- Dr Edward Close conference comment on lectures and Symposia. (Close)
We are also placing YouTubes of several of our other books online.
We will endeavor to update these links as well. If you want to, please search again under Neppe, or Edward Close. Alternatively you can search under Neppe and
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